
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Human & Animal Cell Lysates Membrane, Cytoplasmic Fractions Human & Animal Tissu
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1781

Innovative Research Human & Animal Cell Lysates Membrane, Cytoplasmic Fractions Human & Animal Tissu

Human & Animal Cell Lysates
Membrane, Cytoplasmic Fractions
Human & Animal Tissue Lysates
Tumor Tissue Lysates
Disease-State Tissue Lysates
Knockout Mouse Tissue Lysates

Offering a wide range of Cell/Tissue Lysates for countless in-vitro research applications. At Innovative Research, we deliver reliable, consistent products that produce reliable, consistent results all study long.

At Innovative Research, we understand just how important it is to source reliable, consistent products to meet exact research needs. We offer a wide range of human and animal lystates, including specialized products like disease-state and knockout lysates.

HUMAN LYSATE PRODUCTS We offer a wide range of human cell and tissue lysate products. Our cell lysates are derived from common cell lines including HeLa, Daudi, 293T, and A431, among others. Tissue lysates are available from a variety of organs and tissue types. Many are available as whole cell lysates, membrane fractions, cytoplasmic fractions, and nuclear extract preparations.

ANIMAL LYSATE PRODUCTS We have expanded our catalog of animal cell and tissue lysates to meet expanding research needs. We have a range of lysates available from many different species and in several different tissue and organ types. We also offer expanded purifications, including whole cell lysates, membrane fractions, nuclear extracts, and more. Our cell and tissue lysates are ready-to-use!

SPECIALIZED LYSATE PRODUCTS Specialized lysates are available, including tumor tissue lysates and disease state lysates to help support a growing range of research areas and applications. We also offer a line of tissue lysates derived from knockout mice genetically lacking the protein of interest. These are great for use as standards or controls, expecially when used as a negative control.
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