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Ted Pella


Ted Pella, Inc生產(chǎn)和供應(yīng)顯微鏡設(shè)備和各種顯微鏡使用的附屬產(chǎn)品,如用于透射電鏡和掃描電子顯微鏡,電子探針?lè)治觯恿︼@微鏡,激光共聚焦顯微鏡和光學(xué)顯微鏡的附屬用品。其產(chǎn)品廣泛提供給各大院校研究所及相關(guān)的生命科學(xué)研究的機(jī)構(gòu)。
Ted Pella  產(chǎn)品詳情如下:
PELCO® Conductive Graphite Paint
available in water or alcohol (isopropanol) base
Conductive graphite paint is ideal for mounting conductive and non-conductive SEM specimens on stubs. Non-conductive specimens may require additional conductive paths. Supplied with convenient applicator brush in cap.
PELCO® Water Base Conductive Graphite Adhesive

PELCO® Water Based Graphite Paint

Water based graphite paint contains no hydrocarbons as solvents and will give less contamination in high vacuum. Good choice for mounting samples for FE-SEM applications. Flat surface texture. Average flake size 1μm. Service temperature: 149°C.
Technical Notes, PELCO® Conductive Graphite Paint (120KB PDF)
Conductive Adhesives Comparison Table
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
PELCO® Conductive Graphite, water base, 50g

PELCO® Isopropanol Base Conductive Graphite Adhesive

PELCO® Isopropanol Based Graphite Paint

Conductive graphite paint, primarily designed for SEM sample preparation. The graphite flakes, with an average size of 1μm, are bonded by a cellulose resin with isopropanol as diluent. Good bonding properties on most materials. Graphite content is 20%. Ideal to mount samples on sample stubs or to make a conductive path to the sample surface. Let fully dry before using in the SEM. Maximum service temperature: 200° C.
F, I - 16053, 16053-SPC MSDS 16054 MSDS
Technical Notes, PELCO® Conductive Graphite Isopropanol Based (116KB pdf)
Conductive Adhesives Comparison Table

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
PELCO® Conductive Graphite, Isopropanol base, 30g
PELCO® Conductive Graphite, Isopropanol base, Squeeze Bottle, 20g
Graphite Paint Extender, 30ml

DAG-T-502 Carbon Paint same as Electrodag 502

DAG-T-502 Carbon Paint

(different name, same product as Electrodag 502)

one component, ready to use

Provides conductivity for SEM non-conductive samples which require grounding. 
502 is a combination of specially processed carbon particles in a fluoroelastomer resin system. It remains flexible over a temperature range of -40°C to 260°C and cures at room temperature. 502 resists oxidation and has good adhesion qualities. The diluent is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and has fluid consistency. Solids content is 12.6%. Service temperature range is -40°C to 260°C.
Conductive Adhesives Comparison Table

The specimen mount surface should be clean and dry before application. Keep the container tightly capped when not in use and avoid breathing the vapor.
PELCO® Technical Notes, Electrodag® 502, 30g (230KB PDF)
Varela AS, Luttrell MP, Howerth EW, Moore VA, Davidson WR, Stallknecht DE and Little, SE, 2004.
First Culture Isolation of Borrelia lonestari, Putative Agent of Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness. J Clin Microbiol 42(3): 1163–1169. 
Vizzier-Thaxton Y, Cox NA, Richardson LJ, Buhr RJ, McDaniel CD, Cosby DE, Wilson JL, Bourassa DV and Ard MB, 2006.
Apparent Attachment of Campylobacter and Salmonella to Broiler Breed Rooster Spermatozoa. Poultry Science 85:619-624. 
Allen DJ and Didio LJA, 1976. Hartmannella and Culbertsoni as Revealed in Scanning Electron Microscopy.Ohio J Sci 76(4):167-171. 
Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
DAG-T-502, 30g

PELCO® Conductive Liquid Silver Paint

1-Methoxy-2 Propanol base
60% Ag
Specific Gravity = 2.25 g/cc.
Viscosity = 455 poise

PELCO® Conductive Liquid Silver Paint

a reliable conductive ground path for SEM specimens
Air drying silver paint to make effective ground. Curable at room temperature and has high adhesion to any material. Surfaces do not have to be prepared prior to application and will adhere to such materials as polymer (phenolic) boards, ceramic, glass, metal, plastic and fiberglass. It should be mixed well with a spatula before using. RoHS compliant.
The container is offered in two sizes (15g and 30g) and is provided with an applicator brush. Silver flake grain size is an average of 80%, <1.0μm. Sheet resistance is 0.02 ohms per square @ 1 mil (0.001” = 0.025mm) thickness and is a function of the coating. Service temperature range is -40°C to 260°C
PELCO® Technical Notes, PELCO® Colloidal Silver, Product Numbers. 16031, 16034(417KB PDF)
Conductive Adhesives Comparison Table
16031, 16034 MSDS - 16021 MSDS
F, I

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
PELCO® Colloidal Silver, 30g
PELCO® Colloidal Silver, 15g

Prod # Description Unit Order / Quote
PELCO® SEM-Gold/Silver Extender, 25ml

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