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About Quidel Quidel Corporation Diagnostics - Conference Room Quidel Corporation (Nasdaq: QDEL) is a California-based leading diagnostic healthcare manufacturer serving to enhance the health and well-being of people around the globe through the development of diagnostic solutions that can lead to improved patient outcomes and provide economic benefits to the healthcare system. Quidel commenced operations in 1979 and launched its first products in 1983. Since that time, Quidel has expanded its product base through internal development and acquisition with a focus on increasing its research and development efforts to accelerate the rate of new product introductions. Our core competencies and capabilities include immunoassay development, automated manufacturing, monoclonal antibody characterization and development, and molecular assay development. Our current products fall generally into these categories: (1) lateral flow, where we are market leaders in infectious disease and reproductive health; (2) direct fluorescent antibodies (DFA), with expertise in infectious disease and virology; (3) micro-titer production, with a focus on bone and complement pathway markets; (4) fluorescent immunoassay products (Sofia); and (5) molecular diagnostic products including the world’s first FDA-cleared handheld molecular device, AmpliVue. Additional molecular and Sofia tests are currently in development or in clinical trials as part of a robust product pipeline. Whether at our headquarters in San Diego, California, at our research and manufacturing operations in Ohio, Massachusetts, or in Germany, or through our Commercial organization around the world, Quidel is delivering a continuum of diagnostic solutions from advanced lateral-flow and direct fluorescent antibody to molecular diagnostic tests that further improve the quality of healthcare.
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